Saturday, August 31, 2019

three vitamins 8/31 Playlist

Acid King - Drive Fast, Take Chances - Busse Woods

Uur - Malheureux - Self Titled*

Magmakammer - Along the Crooked Roads - Mindtripper

Book of Wyrms - Blacklight Warpriest - Remythologizer*

Damn Craters - Dinosaurs Have Feathers - An Ocean of Satellites

The Might Could - The Night They Shot Ol' Dixie Down - Self Titled

Devil Electric - Lady Velvet - Self Titled

Lee Van Cleef - Heckle Yuppies - Holy Smoke*

Spaceslug - Parahorizen - Time Travel Dilemma

Marijannah - 1974 - Till Marijannah

Amenra - A Mon Ame - Mass V*

Thou - Immorality Dictates - Heathen

Graveyard - Don't Take Us for Fools - Self Titled*

Serpent Throne - White Summer*Black Winter was in the background while announcing tunes.

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