Saturday, August 24, 2019

Everyday comes and goes 8/24 Playlist

Magmakammer - Mindtripper - Mindtripper

Domkraft - Red Lead - The End of Electricity*

Bongzilla - Keefmaster - Live from the Relaspe Contamination Festival

Mephistofeles - Evil Beauty - Whore

Windhand - Kingfisher - Grief's Infernal Flower*

Thou - By Endurance We Conquer - Summit

Church of Misery - Murder Company - Early Works Complilation

Amenra - Diaken - Mass VI*

Graves at Sea - The Ashes that Make Her Beautiful - The Curse That Is

Stonecutters - Sign of the Pentagram - Blood Moon*

Horseburner - Hand of Gold, Man of Stone - The Thief

Orchid - Silent One - The Mouths of Madness

Acid King - Silent Circle - Busse Woods*

Serpent Throne - White Summer*Black Winter was in the background while announcing tunes.

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