Saturday, August 3, 2019

no one... 8/3 Playlist

Fu Manchu - Trapeze Freak - Daredevil

The Heavy Eyes - Levantado - Maera*

Asteroid - The Big Trip Beyond - Split with Blowback

Brutus - Axe Man - Wandering Blind

Kadavar - Living in Your Head - Self Titled

Witchcraft - I Want You to Know - Self Titled*

Devil Electric - Monologue (Where You Once Walked) - Self Titled

Mountain Witch - The Dead Won't Sleep - Burning Village

Graveyard - Cooking Brew - Hisingen Blues

The Riven - Leap of Faith - Self Titled

Blues Pills - Jupiter - Self Titled

Fuzz - Rat Race - II

The Sword - March of the Lor - Age of Winters*

Valkyrie - Echoes (of the Ways We Lived) - Shadows

Horisont - High Time - Tva Sidor Av Horisonten

Danava - The Illusion Crawls - Hemisphere of Shadows

Lucifer - Aton - Lucifer II

Magmakammer - Druggernaut - Mindtripper*

Domkraft - All Come Hither - The End of Electricity

Earthless - Gifted by the Wind - From the West

Orange Sunshine - Magic Ship - Homo Erectus

Uncle Acid - The Night Creeper - The Night Creeper

Serpent Throne - White Summer*Black Winter was in the background while announcing tunes.

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