Saturday, December 2, 2017

depressionember 12/2 Playlist

Dust - Pull Away/So Many Times - Hard Attack

Electric Wizard - Necromania - Wizard Bloody Wizard*

Mephistofeles - Black Sunday - Whore

Caronte - Wakan Tanka Riders - Church of Shamanic Goetia

Monolord - Rust - Rust*

Demonic Death Judge - Beneath the Monument - Kneel

Thou - Tyrant - Tyrant

Bongzilla - Greenthumb - Gateway

Windhand - Forest Clouds - Grief's Infernal Flower*

Bastard Lord - Summoner - Self Titled

Graves at Sea - The Ashes That Make Her Beautiful - The Curse That Is*

Ramesses - Lords Misrule - Misanthropic Alchemy

Fistula - Calamine - Idiopathic*

Serpent Throne - Brother Lucifer was in the background while announcing tunes.

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