Saturday, January 25, 2020

deciduous rain forest 1/25 Playlist

Sons of Huns - Rollin' the Dice - Banishment Ritual

Om - Haqq al-Yaquin - Adviatic Songs*

Alastor - N.W. 588 - Slave to the Grave

Green Lung - Call of the Coven - Woodland Rites

Fulanno - Velo de la Muerte - Velas Negras*

Cough - Masters of Torture - Still They Pray

Moss - Dark Lady - Horrible Night

Ramesses - Lords Misrule - Misanthropic Alchemy*

Lair - Weakness - Self Titled

Forn - Alexithymia - The Departure of Consciousness

Electric Wizard - Funeralopolis - Dopethrone*

Graves at Seas - Dead Eyes - The Curse That Is

Mephistofeles - Transylvanian Funeral - (((I'M HEROIN)))*

Serpent Throne - White Summer*Black Winter was in the background while announcing tunes.

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