Saturday, July 28, 2018

mindless 7/28 Playlist

Lucifer - Dreamer - Lucifer II

The Heavy Eyes - Supermoon - Live in Memphis*

Skraeckoedlan - Haven - Appeltradet

Orchid - Silent One - The Mouths of Madness

Graveyard - Bird of Paradise - Peace

Bongripper - Slow - Terminal*

Weedeater - Lines - Sixteen Tons

Cough - A Year in Suffering - Ritual Abuse*

Electric Wizard - Son of Nothing - Come my Fanatics...

Caronte - Left Hand Voodoo - Church of the Shamanic Goetia

Om - Annapurna - Variations on a Theme*

Zong - Arcane Sand - Self Titled

Windhand - Black Candles - Self Titled*

Serpent Throne - Brother Lucifer was in the background.

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