Saturday, May 17, 2014

5/17 death decay playlist

Valkyrie - Lost in the Darkness - Self Titled

The Gates of Slumber - Death Dealer - Hymns of Blood and Thunder*

Mount Salem - The Tower - Endless

Jex Thoth - Son of Yule - Self Titled

Greenleaf - Ocean Deep - Trails and Passes*

Trouble - Bastards Will Pay - Psalm 9

Graveyard - Cooking Brew - Hisingen Blues

Witchcraft - Dystopia - Legend

Ogre - Suicide Ride - Dawn of the Proto-Man

Fu Manchu - The Wasteoid - California Crossing

Windhand - Winter Sun - Self Titled*

Uncle Acid - Mt. Abraxas - Mind Control

Cough - Crippled Wizard - Ritual Abuse*

Sleep - Holy Mountain - Dopesmoker

Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell - Happiness Begins - Check 'Em Before You Wreck 'Em

Bongzilla - H.P. Keefmaker - Apogee*

Serpent Throne - Ride Satan Ride was in the background while announcing tunes.

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