Saturday, December 28, 2013

12/28 Last but not least

ZZ Top - Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers - World Wide Texas Tour

The Heavy Eyes - Mind - Maera*

Doublestone - The Witch is Burning - Wingmakers

Graveyard - Ain't Fit to Live Here - Hisingen Blues

Kadavar - Eye of the Storm - Abra Kadavar

Uncle Acid - Mt. Abraxas - Mind Control*

Sleep - Dragonaut - Sleep's Holy Mountain

Mountain Thrower - Age of Mars - Self Titled

The Sword - How Heavy This Axe - Gods of the Earth*

Blood Ceremony - The Eldritch Dark - The Eldritch Dark

Windhand - Woodbine - Soma

Jex Thoth - The Divide - Blood Moon Rise

Sons of Huns - Super Kanpai Rainbow - Banishment Ritual*

Fu Manchu - Eatin' Dust - Eatin' Dust

Witchcraft - Mr. Haze - Firewood

Graveyard - Ungrateful are the Dead - Hisingen Blues*

Serpent Throne - Brother Lucifer was in the background while announcing tunes.

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