Beastie Boys - Heart Attack Man - Ill Communication
Thou - Get Me Out - Hightower
Heavy Trip - Liquid Planet - Liquid Planet*
Magick Potion - Wild Perfumes - Self Titled
Early Moods - A Sinners Past - A Sinners Past*
Green Lung - The Ancient Ways - This Heathen Land
Blackwater Holylight - Moonlit - Veils of Winter
Doublestone - Djaevlens Egn - Devil's Own/Djaevlens Egn
Dunbarrow - You Knew I Was a Snake - Self Titled
Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean - One Last Dream - Sisyphean Cruetly*
Windhand - Forest Clouds - Songs From the Satan House
Pallbearer - Foundations - Foundations of Burden
Thou - Rats and Mice and Swarms of Lice - We Pass Like Night, From Land to Land*
Warning - Footprints - Watching From a Distance
Altareth - Archetypes - Passage: The Welfare Sessions
Saint Karloff - Bone Cave Escape - Paleolithic War Crimes*
Serpent Throne - Brother Lucifer was in the background while announcing tunes.